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Matches 20,241 to 20,320 of 20,477
# | Notes | Linked to |
20241 | When Lavina's brother Wesley passed away Lavina and husband were living in Kellowna BC. Information came from Wesley's obituary. | KREAMER Lavina Elrich (I37266)
20242 | Where Baptised: Atworthy Chapel | TREMEER John Harris (I2074)
20243 | While detached in London he was charged and convicted and fined by the civil court at Bow Street London on 5 Jan 1918 on two charges, namely: 1. Drunkeness (fined 20/-). 2. Assault (fined £3). | BLENNERHASSETT Richard Newman (I1668)
20244 | Whilst a prisoner of war of the Japanese forces. | MCILWRAITH David Stewart (I4579)
20245 | White Lady Funerals, Epping VIV. | JARVIS Thomas Michael (I32257)
20246 | Widdowe | HOCKERIDGE Katherine (I1411)
20247 | Wife's name given as Isa Marion FRENCH in VIC Marriage Index, 1921-42 but other sources suggest a given name of Bridget. Birth record in VIC Federation Index shows given name of Marian. | Family F2809
20248 | Will and Inventory of Phillipp Cornish the elder, carpenter, 1690 of Poughill: Proved 1690 Cover Page (from Latin) Poughill 29th January 1690 Will and Inventory of the goods of one Richi (sic) Cornish lately deceased In the name of God Amen: The First day of Aprill: In the yeare of our Lord god according to the computation of the Church of Englande One Thousand Sixe Hundred & Nyntie: I Phillipp Cornish the elder of the Parish of Poughill & County of Cornewall Carpenter being sicke of body but att this present (praysed be god) of a sound perfect & disposing mind & memory hereby revoking & disannuling all former & other Wills whatsoever by mee att any tyme formerly made & ordayne & doe now make & ordayne this my last will & Testament in manner & forme following that is to say: Imprimis I Give & bequeath my Soule into the hands of god almighty my most mercifull Creator hoping & assuredly believing through the mercy & merits of Christ Jesus my most blessed Savyour & Redeemer to receive full remission & pardon for all my sinnes & offences and to raigne with him everlastingly togeather with his Blessed Saints Angells & Whenze in his Kingdome of eternall glory: And my body I bequeath to Christian buryall Item I give & bequeath unto Walter Cornish Chamond Cornish Gideon Cornish & Daniell Cornish my Fower sonnes the summe of Two shillings & Sixe pence a piece to each of them Item I give unto & bequeath unto Gideon Cornish & Moses Cornish sonnes of the foresaid Walter Cornish and unto Gideon Cornish Samuel Cornish & John Cornish sonnes of the foresaid Gideon Cornish my sonne and unto Daniell Cornish Margarite Cornish Honour Cornish & Mary Cornish Children of the foresaid Daniell Cornish my sonne and all of them my Grandchildren, the summe of Twelve pence apiece to each of them: And my will & meaning is that all theise severall Legacies for given & bequeathed shall be respectively payd by my executrix hereinafter named att the end of one year next ensuing after my death If the same bee lawfully & respectively demanded; I Will the residue remaynder of my goods & Chattles debts & Creditts whatsoever not hereby formally given & bequeathed I doe hereby give & bequeath unto Mary Cornish my Daughter whome I doe hereby alsoe make & ordayne to be my whole & sole Executrix of this my last Will & Testament to paying Costs? & Legacies given as abovesaid And to take & receive to her owne proper use benefitt & behoofe all my goods & chattles debts & Creditts whatsoever in any waie due belonging or appertayning unto mee In witness whereof I have hereunto Sett my hand & Seale yeaven the day & yeare First above written Sealed Signed & published Philip Cornish (signed and sealed) in the presence of us Richd. Warmington (signed) John Bryant (signed) Jone Avery (signed) A true & perfect Inventory of all & singular the goods & Chattles debts & Creditts of Phillip Cornish the Elder late of the parish of Poughill & County of Cornewall deceased Inventaryed taken & appraised by John Bryant & Daniel Dennis the Fowerteenth day of January Anno Dmni One Thousand Sixe Hundred & Nyntie and is as followeth li s d Imprs His purse & girdle & wearing apparell 02 00 00 Item one Feather bed Three Feather bolsters & Three Feather pillowes 02 10 00 Item Two dust beds & one dust bolster 00 05 00 Item in Coverletts blanketts & sheetts 01 10 00 All the records on this website are placed there with the permission of their transcribers, to whom the copyright belongs. They are only to be used for personal research, and are not to be copied in any way without prior written consent - see full copyright notice at www.opc-cornwall.org/Structure/copyright.php Item Three Bedsteeds & one Trundle bedsteed 00 15 00 Item in Brasse & pewter 03 10 00 Item in Keenes tubbs barrells & other timber vessells 01 10 00 Item Two table boards with chayres & stooles 01 00 00 Item one old Cupboard Two Chests one Amery Two Cofers & Two boxes 01 10 00 Item Tr---dle? & Two Fleshbarrells 00 12 00 Item for saltmeat & other provisions in store 00 12 00 Item Three piggs ?------- & Two piggs houses 01 00 00 Item Utensills & Iron ware belonging to the Kitchen with all Lumber & other things herein forgotten & not appraysed 00 05 00 Sum Totalis 16 19 00 John Bryant (signed) Daniell Dennis (signed) Transcribed by Judith Upton from LDS Film Number 2220769 Image numbers 1340 - 1342 CRO Ref. No. AP/C/2115 | CORNISH Phillip (I26006)
20249 | Will record destroyed by enemy action, 1942. | WALTER John (I8)
20250 | Will, Richard Walter, Yeoman of Bradworthy, Devon, proved in Court of Ely, 2 May 1806. | WALTER Richard (I1855)
20251 | William and Elizabeth inherited their farm from her parents and it is believed that they had no children. | WALTER William (I9752)
20252 | William Henry HERD and his wife and family lived for many years at 139 Autumn Street, Geelong West VIC. | HERD William Henry (I3463)
20253 | William John JACKSON's brother Thomas Roy JACKSON (1893-1918, known as Roy) also died while serving on the Western Front. | JACKSON William John (I32469)
20254 | William purchased a property near Newcastle, ONT where he and Jane specialised the raising of livestock. | ALLIN William Brimacombe, (twin) (I5693)
20255 | William Samuel BARKWELL was sometimes known as William F. BARKWELL. | BARKWELL William F. (I10945)
20256 | William SUMNER appears to have been a patient at some sort of Asylum. | SUMNER William (I3822)
20257 | William Tom BANBURY was a civilian casualty in WWII. | BANBURY William Tom (I29223)
20258 | William TREWIN (c.1780-1862) was Parish Clerk of the Kilkhampton Parish for 52 years. | TREWIN William (I25318)
20259 | William WALTER was always 'poorly' and never married. | WALTER William (I2540)
20260 | William was born prior to Sarah HEARD's marriage to William PRUST in 1828. So was christened under the name of CHING, but later used the surname PRUST. His marriage gives the name of PRUST alias CHING. | PRUST William (I30435)
20261 | William's death is also recorded on the ALLIN family headstone/memorial in the Oshawa Union Cemetery, Oshawa ONT. | ALLIN William (I5787)
20262 | WIN-NICH-WALL-B-408-20 | PARISH Betty Amelia (I12885)
20263 | WIN-SECT-018-807-32 | MCDONALD Margaret Grace (I4645)
20264 | WIN-SECT-018-807-33 | LEIGH Jack Edward (I4644)
20265 | WIN-SECT-018-807-34 | LEIGH William Keith (I4568)
20266 | WIN-SECT-018-807-34 | MEATS Margaret Mary, (m.n. MEATS) (I4658)
20267 | WIN-SECT-018-807-35 | LEIGH Maxwell Mitchell (I4569)
20268 | WIN-SECT-018-807-36 | USHER Phyllis Forest (I4659)
20269 | WIN-SECT-023-807-09 | HOLLOWAY Stephen William John (I12823)
20270 | WIN-SECT-023-807-12 | HOLLOWAY Ernest Harold (I12707)
20271 | WIN-SECT-023-807-12 | LOWNDES Ethel Theresa (I12714)
20272 | WIN-SECT-023-807-18 | MAWSON Arthur, (twin) (I12711)
20273 | WIN-SECT-023-807-19. Burial date very suspect - about 4 months after death. | HOLLOWAY Ruperta May (I12708)
20274 | WIN-SECT-024-807-07 | HOLLOWAY Sabra (I12703)
20275 | WIN-SECT-025-807-10 | HOLLOWAY Daisy Pearl (I12705)
20276 | WIN-SECT-025-807-11 | ALSOP Robert Henry (I12709)
20277 | WIN-SECT-025-807-21 | HOLLOWAY Reginald John (I12700)
20278 | WIN-SECT-025-807-21 | MARSHMAN Clara May (I12713)
20279 | WIN-SECT-025-807-35 | HUNTER Rachel (I3693)
20280 | WIN-SECT-025-807-35 | PARISH Nathan (I12371)
20281 | WIN-SECT-025-807-35 | PARISH Myrtle Stella (I12378)
20282 | WIN-SECT-031-807-34 | SCHROETER Helen Patricia (I12893)
20283 | WIN-SECT-031-807-34 | SCHROETER Robert (I13599)
20284 | WIN-SECT-032-807-04 | PARISH Rita Josephine Sarah (I12623)
20285 | WIN-SECT-032-807-26 | PARISH Joyce Irene (I12884)
20286 | WIN-SECT-032-807-27 | DRAYTON Oscar (I13451)
20287 | WIN-SECT-039-807-07 | PARISH Edith Christina (I13320)
20288 | WIN-SECT-053-807-14 | RICHMOND Donald Claude (I20132)
20289 | WIN-SECT-057-807-05 | PARISH Donald Allan (I12886)
20290 | WIN-SECT-085-813-08 | PARISH Una Florence (I12535)
20291 | WIN-SECT-085-813-09 | RICHMOND Noel Jack (I12668)
20292 | WIN-SECT-085-813-32 | GLADMAN Charles Ronald (I19939)
20293 | WIN-SECT-086-813-10 | ARMISTEAD Edith Victoria Ethel (I12559)
20294 | WIN-SECT-086-813-10 | STEVENS James Frederick (I12569)
20295 | WIN-SECT-086-813-18 | FOUND Betty Victoria (I13294)
20296 | WIN-SECT-086-813-18 | DRAYTON Gregory Ivan (I13299)
20297 | WIN-SECT-087-808-29 | ORCHARD Samuel Edmond (I13189)
20298 | WIN-SECT-087-808-38 | SCHROETER Heinrich Karl (I13607)
20299 | WIN-SECT-087-808-39 | SCHROETER Brian Ewan (I13610)
20300 | WIN-SECT-088-813-24 | WARNER Shirley Marion (I20858)
20301 | WIN-SECT-088-813-28 | ROGERS Alan Graeme (I10159)
20302 | WIN-SECT-089-813-36 | MONKIVITCH Gilbert James (I16918)
20303 | WIN-SECT-089-813-36 | HUNTER Gwendoline Lola (I19917)
20304 | WIN-SECT-089-813-39 | SCHROETER Perry Stuart (I13582)
20305 | WIN-SECT-089-813-40 | SCHROETER Lindsay Allan (I12891)
20306 | WIN-SECT-103-813-32 | LEAK Neil (I13403)
20307 | WIN-SECT-104-813-24 | LLOYD Ian Lindsay Thomas (I13487)
20308 | WIN-SECT-105-813-12 | HUNTER James (I12321)
20309 | WIN-SECT-105-813-12 | NASH Marjorie Amelia (I12324)
20310 | WIN-SECT-105-813-30 | ALSOP Colin Alexander (I12846)
20311 | With her sister Leta. | BRAGG Ruby Myrta Pearl (I5843)
20312 | With his parents Samuel and Ann MORRIS. | MORRIS Samuel (I450)
20313 | Witnesses to the marriage were Joe JEWELL and Margaret Mary JOHNS. | Family F2933
20314 | Witnesses: Allan WALTER and Lucretia WALTER. | Family F307
20315 | Witnesses: Joseph CANTELLOW and Patrick ROCHE. | Family F745
20316 | WNBD, WN Border, Grave 45 | NAVIN Elva Decima (I759)
20317 | WNBD, WN Border, Grave 45 | BROWN Herbert Hedley (I6214)
20318 | WNNBD, WN North Border, Grave 6 | NAVIN Edith Maud Tryphena (I767)
20319 | WNNBD, WN North Border, Grave 6 | JERMYN Bertha Caroline (I3432)
20320 | WNNBD, WN North Border, Grave 6 | NAVIN John Aloysius (I3477)