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A closer image of the wall panel at the Canadian National Vimy Memorial, Pas-de-Calais, Hauts-de-France, FRA where the sacrifice of No. 472904, Pte. Wesley HAGER (1888-1916), 46th. Battalion, Canadian Infantry, CEF is recorded. He died at Regina Trench, near Albert, France on 11 Nov 1916. Lest We Forget.
A closer image of the wall panel at the Canadian National Vimy Memorial, Pas-de-Calais, Hauts-de-France, FRA where the sacrifice of No. 472904, Pte. Wesley HAGER (1888-1916), 46th. Battalion, Canadian Infantry, CEF is recorded. He died at Regina Trench, near Albert, France on 11 Nov 1916. Lest We Forget.
Canadian National Vimy Memorial Located   
A memorial erected in memory of No. J26912, Flight Lieutenant Clifford Waldron HICKS, 440 Squadron, RCAF in the Ussy Churchyard, Ussy, Calvados FRA.
A memorial erected in memory of No. J26912, Flight Lieutenant Clifford Waldron HICKS, 440 Squadron, RCAF in the Ussy Churchyard, Ussy, Calvados FRA.
Ussy appears to be the nearest village to the site of the aircraft accident. The remains of Flight Lieutenant HICKS are interred at Bretteville-sur-Laize Canadian War Cemetery, Cintheaux, Calvados, FRA. 
A second headstone in memory of Richard Charles MASON (1957-1986).
A second headstone in memory of Richard Charles MASON (1957-1986).
Leney Cemetery Located   
A second headstone remembering the war service of Omer Bennett RUSSELL (1895-1975)
A second headstone remembering the war service of Omer Bennett RUSSELL (1895-1975)
Hillcrest Cemetery Located   
A second view of the headstone of Joseph DEAN (c. 1889-1979); his wife Violet (m.n. RIEDY, 1890-1973); their son Frank DEAN (1911-1941) and their daughter Enid SHARP (m.n. DEAN, 1920-2009).
A second view of the headstone of Joseph DEAN (c. 1889-1979); his wife Violet (m.n. RIEDY, 1890-1973); their son Frank DEAN (1911-1941) and their daughter Enid SHARP (m.n. DEAN, 1920-2009).
Creswick Cemetery Located   
A section of Wall Panel 95 at the Runnemede Air Forces Memorial at Englefield Green, Surrey, England which commemorates the life and loss of No. 1168521, Sergeant Francis Godfrey TRUSCOTT (1917-1942), 214 Squadron, RAFVR
A section of Wall Panel 95 at the Runnemede Air Forces Memorial at Englefield Green, Surrey, England which commemorates the life and loss of No. 1168521, Sergeant Francis Godfrey TRUSCOTT (1917-1942), 214 Squadron, RAFVR
This monument commemorates the service and sacrifice of airmen from throughout the British Empire who died during WWII and have no known grave. Lest We Forget. 
Commonwealth Air Forces' Memorial, Runnymede Located   
A wide view of the wall marker placed in memory of the sacrifice of Wesley HAGER (1888-1916) on the Canadian National Vimy Memorial, near Vimy, Pas-de-Calais, Hauts-de-France, FRA. Lest We Forget.
A wide view of the wall marker placed in memory of the sacrifice of Wesley HAGER (1888-1916) on the Canadian National Vimy Memorial, near Vimy, Pas-de-Calais, Hauts-de-France, FRA. Lest We Forget.
Canadian National Vimy Memorial Located   
A wider view of the wall marker in memory of the sacrifice of Charles BALL (1899-1917). Lest We Forget.
A wider view of the wall marker in memory of the sacrifice of Charles BALL (1899-1917). Lest We Forget.
Canadian National Vimy Memorial Located   
Abbeville Communal Cemetery Extension, Somme, Hauts-de-France, FRA.
Abbeville Communal Cemetery Extension, Somme, Hauts-de-France, FRA.
Burial place of No. 7132, Private Albert Garrett RIBE (1876-1918) 16th. Battalion, Australian Infantry, AIF. Lest We Forget. 
Military Section, Abbeville Communal Cemetery
Grave 32, Row K, Plot 4 
Additional marker on the grave of VX22319, Captain Mervyn Laurence JORY (1917-1966).
Additional marker on the grave of VX22319, Captain Mervyn Laurence JORY (1917-1966).
Wangaratta Cemetery Located   
Adegem Canadian War Cemetery, Maldegem, Arrondissement Eeklo, East Flanders BEL.
Adegem Canadian War Cemetery, Maldegem, Arrondissement Eeklo, East Flanders BEL.
The burial place of No. A/105228, Guardsman Edward Charles TRIEBNER, 22nd. Armoured Regiment, Canadian Grenadier Guards, Royal Canadian Armoured Corps. 
Adegem Canadian War Cemetery Located   
Adelaide River War Cemetery, Adelaide River, Northern Territory, Australia
Adelaide River War Cemetery, Adelaide River, Northern Territory, Australia
The burial place of No. 4412, Flight Sergeant (Fitter/Armourer) Leonard Percy SCHROETER (1915-1942), 2 Squadron, RAAF. 
Adelaide River War Cemetery Located   
Adelaide River War Cemetery, Adelaide River, Northern Territory, Australia
Adelaide River War Cemetery, Adelaide River, Northern Territory, Australia
The burial place of No. 4412, Flight Sergeant (Fitter/Armourer) Leonard Percy SCHROETER (1915-1942), 2 Squadron, RAAF. 
Adelaide River War Cemetery Located   
Agira Canadian War Cemetery, Sicily ITL. The burial place of M/35865, Pte. Leslie BRIMACOMBE (1918-1943).
Agira Canadian War Cemetery, Sicily ITL. The burial place of M/35865, Pte. Leslie BRIMACOMBE (1918-1943).
Agira Canadian War Cemetery, Sicily ITL Located   
Alamein Memorial, El Alamein, Maṭrūḥ Egypt
Alamein Memorial, El Alamein, Maṭrūḥ Egypt
Where the service and sacrifice of No. 658716, Sergeant William Leonard BOUNDY, 40 Squadron, Royal Air Force is commemorated. 
Alamein Memorial Located   
Alamein Memorial, Elamein, Maṭrūḥ Egypt
Alamein Memorial, Elamein, Maṭrūḥ Egypt
On column 245 at this memorial the service and sacrifice of Eric Albert MAGOR (1915-1941) is commemorated. Lest We Forget. 
Alamein Memorial Located   
Albert James TREWIN (1910-1979) and his wife Gracie Caroline (m.n. JUDD, c. 1916-2001)
Albert James TREWIN (1910-1979) and his wife Gracie Caroline (m.n. JUDD, c. 1916-2001)
Parkham Parish Churchyard Located   
Alexandria (Hadra) War Memorial Cemetery, Egypt
Alexandria (Hadra) War Memorial Cemetery, Egypt
The service and sacrifice during WWI of Lieutenant Edward Kittow Venning ASHTON (1896-1918), 55th. Coke's Rifles (Frontier Force) is remembered in this beautiful cemetery. Lest We Forget. 
Alexandria (Hadra) War Memorial Cemetery Located   
Amersfoort (Old-Leusden) General Cemetery, near Utrecht NL
Amersfoort (Old-Leusden) General Cemetery, near Utrecht NL
Amersfoort (Old-Leusden) General Cemetery Located   
Auckland War Memorial Museum
Auckland War Memorial Museum
The place where the service and sacrifice of Flight Sergeant Kenneth Mitchell NEWLAND (1921-1943) is recorded by his nation. 
Auckland War Memorial Museum, WWII Hall of Memories    
Australian National Memorial, Villers-Bretonneux, Somme Department, Hauts-de-France FRA. The sacrifice of No. 1822, Sapper Stanley Willis GEORGE (1894-1916), 13th. Field Company, Australian Engineers, AIF is recorded on a wall panel here.
Australian National Memorial, Villers-Bretonneux, Somme Department, Hauts-de-France FRA. The sacrifice of No. 1822, Sapper Stanley Willis GEORGE (1894-1916), 13th. Field Company, Australian Engineers, AIF is recorded on a wall panel here.
The Australian National Memorial Located   
Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension, Bailleul, Nords, Hauts-de-France, FRA which is the burial place of No. 919A, Private William John JACKSON, B Company, 40th. Battalion, Australian Infantry, AIF.
Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension, Bailleul, Nords, Hauts-de-France, FRA which is the burial place of No. 919A, Private William John JACKSON, B Company, 40th. Battalion, Australian Infantry, AIF.
Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension Located   
Bayeux War Cemetery, Bayeux, Calvados FRA.
Bayeux War Cemetery, Bayeux, Calvados FRA.
The burial place of No. 86404, Major John Bertram Vaughan POOLEY, MC. Lest We Forget. 
Bayeux War Cemetery Located   
Beaumetz Cross Road Cemetery, Beaumetz-les-Cambrai, Pas-de-Calais FRA
Beaumetz Cross Road Cemetery, Beaumetz-les-Cambrai, Pas-de-Calais FRA
The burial place of Lieutenant John Walter INGS (1897-1918). Lest We Forget. 
Beaumetz Cross Roads Cemetery Located   
Beersheba War Cemetery in Palestine (now in Israel). The burial place of 13/368, Lieutenant William Henwood JOHNS (1891-1917), New Zealand Mounted Rifles, NZEF.
Beersheba War Cemetery in Palestine (now in Israel). The burial place of 13/368, Lieutenant William Henwood JOHNS (1891-1917), New Zealand Mounted Rifles, NZEF.
Beersheba War Cemetery Located   
Beny-sur-Mer Canadian War Cemetery, Reviers, Normandy France.
Beny-sur-Mer Canadian War Cemetery, Reviers, Normandy France.
The burial place of Captain Harry Jarvis PEACEY, 10th. Armoured Regiment, Fort Garry Horse, Royal Canadian Armoured Regiment. Lest We Forget. 
Beny-sur-Mer Canadian War Cemetery Located   
Bergen General Cemetery, Bergen, North Holland NL
Bergen General Cemetery, Bergen, North Holland NL
The burial place of Flying Officer, Vincent Sanford MacCAUSLAND (1913-1943) 
Bergen General Cemetery Located   
Berlin 1939-1945 War Cemetery, Charlottenburg, Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf, Berlin GER
Berlin 1939-1945 War Cemetery, Charlottenburg, Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf, Berlin GER
The burial place of J/21265, Flight Lieutenant (pilot), Gordon William Neil FANSON, 428 Squadron, Royal Canadian Air Force. Lest We Forget. 
Berlin 1939-1945 War Cemetery
Grave No: 2.Z.15-19 
Bomber Command Memorial Wall at Nanton, Alberta, where the service and sacrifice of Sergeant Francis Godfrey 'Lucky' TRUSCOTT (1917-1942) is remembered.
Bomber Command Memorial Wall at Nanton, Alberta, where the service and sacrifice of Sergeant Francis Godfrey 'Lucky' TRUSCOTT (1917-1942) is remembered.
Bomber Command Memorial Wall Located   
Bretteville-sur-Laize Canadian War Cemetery
Bretteville-sur-Laize Canadian War Cemetery
The burial place of No. J26912, Flight Lieutenant (Typhoon 1B Pilot), Clifford Waldron HICKS (1922-1944), 440 Squadron, RCAF. Killed in Action at Claire-Tizon, Calvados FRA on 8 Aug 1944. Lest We Forget. 
Bretteville-sur-Laize Canadian War Cemetery Located   
Brookwood Military Cemetery, Brookwood SRY
Brookwood Military Cemetery, Brookwood SRY
The burial place of Private Clifford Gordon GRAHAM (1915-1940), who served with the Toronto Scottish Regiment (Machine Gun), Royal Canadian Infantry Corps, Canadian Army during WWII. 
Brookwood Military Cemetery Located   
Brookwood Military Cemetery, Brookwood SRY
Brookwood Military Cemetery, Brookwood SRY
The burial place of No. B.76209, Corporal Cecil Herbert FORDHAM (1916-1944) who died while on overseas service with the Royal Canadian Infantry Corps, Canadian Army, during WWII. 
Brookwood Military Cemetery Located   
Brookwood Military Cemetery, Brookwood SRY
Brookwood Military Cemetery, Brookwood SRY
The burial place of No. B.32958, Lance Corporal, Grant Russel PENHALE, Royal Canadian Signals Corps, Canadian Army. 
Brookwood Military Cemetery Located   
Brookwood Military Cemetery, Brookwood SRY
Brookwood Military Cemetery, Brookwood SRY
The burial place of No. B.76161, Private Joseph J. MAINHOOD, Toronto Scottish Regiment (M.G.), Royal Canadian Infantry Corps, Canadian Army. Lest We Forget. 
Brookwood Military Cemetery Located   
Brookwood Military Cemetery, Brookwood, Surrey, England.
Brookwood Military Cemetery, Brookwood, Surrey, England.
The burial place of Private Lawrence Stuart COURTICE (1920-1944) who died while on active service. 
Brookwood Military Cemetery Located   
Bucquoy Road Cemetery, Ficheux, Pas-de-Calais, FRA
Bucquoy Road Cemetery, Ficheux, Pas-de-Calais, FRA
The burial place of Lieutenant Royland Allin WALTER, MC, 1891-1918, 49th. Battalion, Canadian Infantry, CEF who died as a result of wounds on 29 Sep 1918. 
Bucquoy Road Cemetery Located   
Cairo War Memorial Cemetery, Heliopolis, Egypt which is the burial place of No. 954, Private Leslie John SHIELLS, F Company, 15th. Battalion, Australian Infantry, AIF.
Cairo War Memorial Cemetery, Heliopolis, Egypt which is the burial place of No. 954, Private Leslie John SHIELLS, F Company, 15th. Battalion, Australian Infantry, AIF.
Cairo War Memorial Cemetery Located   
Calais Canadian War Cemetery, Leubringhen, Pas-de-Calais FRA
Calais Canadian War Cemetery, Leubringhen, Pas-de-Calais FRA
The burial place of No. A4098, Corporal Norman Hilton SANDERS, The Highland Light Infantry, Royal Canadian Infantry Corps. Lest We Forget. 
Calais Canadian War Cemetery Located   
Canadian National Vimy Memorial
Canadian National Vimy Memorial
The very beautiful Canadian National Vimy Memorial, near Vimy, Pas-de-Calais, Hauts-de France, FRA which is dedicated to the memory of members of the Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF) who were killed in action on the Western Front during WWI and have no known grave. Unfortunately, Wesley HAGER (1888-1916) was one of those soldiers. Lest We Forget. 
Canadian National Vimy Memorial Located   
Cassino War Cemetery, Cassino, Frosinone ITL.
Cassino War Cemetery, Cassino, Frosinone ITL.
The burial place of No. 6406056, Sergeant Reginald William HAMMETT, 1st. Battalion, Royal Sussex Regiment, 8th. Army. Lest We Forget. 
Cassino War Cemetery
Plot: XIV.E.13 
Central stone on the graves of William Burgoyne WALTER (1841-1911) and his wife Mary Grace (m.n. PASCOE, 1844-1925).
Central stone on the graves of William Burgoyne WALTER (1841-1911) and his wife Mary Grace (m.n. PASCOE, 1844-1925).
Graceland Cemetery Located   
Charle HEYWOOD (1874-1966) and his wife Laura Jane (m.n. CORY, 1884-1975)
Charle HEYWOOD (1874-1966) and his wife Laura Jane (m.n. CORY, 1884-1975)
Wesleyan Cemetery Located   
Chattanooga National Cemetery, Chattanooga, Hamilton Co. TN
Chattanooga National Cemetery, Chattanooga, Hamilton Co. TN
The burial place of Pfc. Lyle James GRAHAM who served during the Korean War. 
Chattanooga National Cemetery Located   
Close-up image of the wall panel at the Canadian National Vimy Memorial near Vimy, Pas-de-Calais, Hauts-de-France, FRA recording the sacrifice of No. 231214, Pte. Charles BALL, 10th. Battalion (Alberta Regiment), Canadian Infantry, Canadian Expeditionary Force. He was killed in action in the vicinity of Vimy Ridge on 15 Aug 1917. Lest We Forget.
Close-up image of the wall panel at the Canadian National Vimy Memorial near Vimy, Pas-de-Calais, Hauts-de-France, FRA recording the sacrifice of No. 231214, Pte. Charles BALL, 10th. Battalion (Alberta Regiment), Canadian Infantry, Canadian Expeditionary Force. He was killed in action in the vicinity of Vimy Ridge on 15 Aug 1917. Lest We Forget.
Canadian National Vimy Memorial Located   
Commonwealth Air Forces Memorial, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada where the service and sacrifice of No. C27599, Wing Commander (Pilot), Ralph Royden INGS (1900-1943) is remembered.
Commonwealth Air Forces Memorial, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada where the service and sacrifice of No. C27599, Wing Commander (Pilot), Ralph Royden INGS (1900-1943) is remembered.
No known grave but his name is recorded on Panel 2, Column 3. Lest We Forget. 
Commonwealth Air Forces' Memorial Located   
Commonwealth Air Forces Memorial, Runnymede, Englefield SRY
Commonwealth Air Forces Memorial, Runnymede, Englefield SRY
Commemorates the men and women of the Allied Air Forces who died during World War II and have no known grave. Included in this number is No. 428116, Flight Sergeant Layton Challender BARRETT a member of the 71 Base, Royal Australian Air Force who was attached to No. 1656 Conversion Unit, Royal Air Force, who died at sea off the UK coast. Lest We Forget. 
Commonwealth Air Forces' Memorial, Runnymede Located   
Commonwealth Air Forces Memorial, Runnymede, Englefield SRY
Commonwealth Air Forces Memorial, Runnymede, Englefield SRY
Wall panel commemorating the service and death of No. 428116, Flight Sergeant Layton Challender BARRETT, 71 Base, RAAF who was attached to No. 1656 Conversion Unit, RAF. Lest We Forget. 
Commonwealth Air Forces' Memorial, Runnymede Located   
Commonwealth Air Forces Memorial, Runnymede, Englefield SRY
Commonwealth Air Forces Memorial, Runnymede, Englefield SRY
Panel near the entrance of the memorial. Lest We Forget. 
Commonwealth Air Forces' Memorial, Runnymede Located   
Commonwealth Air Forces' Memorial, Runnymede, Englefield Green, Surrey, England
Commonwealth Air Forces' Memorial, Runnymede, Englefield Green, Surrey, England
The memorial where the service and sacrifice of Sergeant Harold Theodore WADDELL is remembered. Lest We Forget. 
Commonwealth Air Forces' Memorial, Runnymede Located   
Commonwealth War Graves Commemorative Certificate
Commonwealth War Graves Commemorative Certificate
In memory of 42395, Pte., John Henry WALTER, 11 Battalion, Essex Regiment, BEF who was killed in action on 21 Mar 1918 at Morchies, Pas-de-Calais, FRA. Unfortunately, the engraving on the walls of the Arras Memorial to the Missing has become very indistinct, so no photograph is available. He has no known grave. Lest We Forget. 
Arras Memorial to the Missing, Faubourg d' Amiens British Cem. Located   
Commonwealth War Graves Commemorative Certificate in memory of Lieutenant Royland Allin WALTER, MC (1891-1918).
Commonwealth War Graves Commemorative Certificate in memory of Lieutenant Royland Allin WALTER, MC (1891-1918).
Bucquoy Road Cemetery Located   
Dedication plaque at the Australian National Memorial, Villers-Bretonneux, Somme Department, Hauts-de-France FRA. Lest We Forget.
Dedication plaque at the Australian National Memorial, Villers-Bretonneux, Somme Department, Hauts-de-France FRA. Lest We Forget.
The Australian National Memorial Located   
Dive Copse British Cemetery, Sailly-le-Sec, Hauts-de-France, France
Dive Copse British Cemetery, Sailly-le-Sec, Hauts-de-France, France
The burial place of No. 7069, Private Sidney Harold LISTER (1895-1918), 17th. Battalion, Australian Infantry, AIF. Lest We Forget. 
Dive Copse British Cemetery Located   
Doullens Community Cemetery Extension No. 1, Doullens, Somme Department, Hauts-de-France, FRA
Doullens Community Cemetery Extension No. 1, Doullens, Somme Department, Hauts-de-France, FRA
The burial place of No. 4468, Private Richard TAPE, 6 Battalion, Gloucestershire Regiment, BEF. Lest We Forget. 
Doullens Community Cemetery Extension No. 1 Located   
Doullens Community Cemetery Extension No. 1, Doullens, Somme Department, Hauts-de-France, FRA
Doullens Community Cemetery Extension No. 1, Doullens, Somme Department, Hauts-de-France, FRA
Headstone of No. 4468, Private Richard TAPE, 6 Battalion, Gloucestershire Regiment, BEF. Lest We Forget. 
Doullens Community Cemetery Extension No. 1 Located   
Durnbach War Cemetery, Gmund am Tegernsee, Landkreis Miesbach, Bavaria, Germany
Durnbach War Cemetery, Gmund am Tegernsee, Landkreis Miesbach, Bavaria, Germany
The burial place of No. J93851, Pilot Officer (Navigator), Sidney Gordon RUNDLE (1924-1945), 426 Squadron, RCAF. 
Durnbach War Cemetery Located   
El Alamein War Cemetery, El Alamein, Maṭrūḥ Egypt
El Alamein War Cemetery, El Alamein, Maṭrūḥ Egypt
The burial place of No. VX25005, Sergeant Robert Clifford TREWIN, 2/23 Battalion, Australian Infantry, 2nd. AIF. 
El Alamein War Cemetery Located   
El Alamein War Cemetery, El Alamein, Maṭrūḥ Egypt
El Alamein War Cemetery, El Alamein, Maṭrūḥ Egypt
The burial place of No. 56181, Lieutenant, Frederick Swift TREWEEKE, 2/13 Battalion, Royal Australian Infantry, 2nd. AIF. 
El Alamein War Cemetery Located   
El Alamein War Cemetery, El Alamein, Maṭrūḥ, Egypt
El Alamein War Cemetery, El Alamein, Maṭrūḥ, Egypt
Headstone of No. VX25005, Sergeant Robert Clifford TREWIN, 2/23 Battalion, Australian Infantry, 2nd. AIF. Lest We Forget. 
El Alamein War Cemetery Located   
Faenza War Cemetery, Santa Lucia delle Spianate, RA, ITL which is the burial place of No. 445985, Private Harold George RICHARDS, 25th. Battalion, New Zealand Infantry, 2nd. NZ Expeditionary Force who died while on active service in Italy during WWII.
Faenza War Cemetery, Santa Lucia delle Spianate, RA, ITL which is the burial place of No. 445985, Private Harold George RICHARDS, 25th. Battalion, New Zealand Infantry, 2nd. NZ Expeditionary Force who died while on active service in Italy during WWII.
Faenza War Cemetery Located   
Family headstone mentioning the sacrifice of Luke MONKIVITCH (1874-1917) during World War I.
Family headstone mentioning the sacrifice of Luke MONKIVITCH (1874-1917) during World War I.
Colac Cemetery Located   
Floor marker in St. John the Baptist Parish Church, Bradworthy DEV in memory of Mary WALTER (c. 1819-1833) daughter of Charles WALTER (1787-1859) and his first wife Mary (m.n. CHING, c. 1794-1839).
Floor marker in St. John the Baptist Parish Church, Bradworthy DEV in memory of Mary WALTER (c. 1819-1833) daughter of Charles WALTER (1787-1859) and his first wife Mary (m.n. CHING, c. 1794-1839).
Bradworthy Parish Churchyard Located   
Floor marker locating the burial place of Anne WALTER (m.n. TREMEER, 1733-1810) and her nephew Charles Walter COTTLE (1800-1802)
Floor marker locating the burial place of Anne WALTER (m.n. TREMEER, 1733-1810) and her nephew Charles Walter COTTLE (1800-1802)
Bradworthy Parish Churchyard Located   
Floor marker locating the burial place of Susan(na) WALTER (c. 1824-1831) in side the parish church of St. John the Baptist, Bradworthy DEV.
Floor marker locating the burial place of Susan(na) WALTER (c. 1824-1831) in side the parish church of St. John the Baptist, Bradworthy DEV.
Bradworthy Parish Churchyard Located   
Fort Custer National Cemetery, Augusta, Kalamazoo MI
Fort Custer National Cemetery, Augusta, Kalamazoo MI
The burial place of Sergeant Homer George McLAUGHLIN, US Army Air Corps, WWII. 
Fort Custer National Cemetery Located   
Fort Custer National Cemetery, Augusta, Kalamazoo MI
Fort Custer National Cemetery, Augusta, Kalamazoo MI
Fort Custer National Cemetery Located   
Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery, Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, Bexar TX
Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery, Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, Bexar TX
The burial place of Colonel James Wilbur POLKINGHORN, US Air Force, who served in WWII, Korea and Vietnam. 
Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery Located   
Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery, Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, Bexar TX
Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery, Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, Bexar TX
The burial place of Mary Kathryn POLKINGHORN (m.n. GORMAN, 1913-2009). 
Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery Located   
Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery, Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, Bexar TX
Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery, Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, Bexar TX
The burial place of Louella Marie WARD (m.n. PUTNEY, 1934-2011). 
Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery Located   
Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery, Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, Bexar TX
Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery, Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, Bexar TX
The burial place of William Belton (Billy) WARD (1932-2013) who served as a CMSGT in the US Air Force during the Korean and Vietnam Wars. 
Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery Located   
Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery, Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, Bexar TX
Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery, Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, Bexar TX
The burial place of Gertrude Nora BROWNING (1892-1953). 
Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery Located   
Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery, Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, Bexar TX
Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery, Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, Bexar TX
The burial place of Colonel Hardy Pate BROWNING (1887-1960). 
Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery Located   
Fort Sam HOUSTON National Cemetery, Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, Bexar TX
Fort Sam HOUSTON National Cemetery, Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, Bexar TX
The burial place of Delbert Loen CROUCH (1923-1962). 
Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery Located   
Fred Walter standing on the plot where John HERD (Abt. 1800-1884) is buried at the Warracknabeal Cemetery.
Fred Walter standing on the plot where John HERD (Abt. 1800-1884) is buried at the Warracknabeal Cemetery.
Warracknabeal Cemetery Located   
General view of the Cairo War Memorial Cemetery, Cairo, Egypt, burial place of No: 2912, Pte. Aubrey William John SYMONS (1890-1916), 26 Battalion, AIF.
General view of the Cairo War Memorial Cemetery, Cairo, Egypt, burial place of No: 2912, Pte. Aubrey William John SYMONS (1890-1916), 26 Battalion, AIF.
Cairo War Memorial Cemetery Located   
General view of the Port Moresby (Bomana) War Cemetery, Port Moresby PNG. The burial place of VX52850, Lieutenant, Jack Gurney CLEMENTS (1920-1942), 2/14 Battalion, Australian Infantry, 2nd. AIF.
General view of the Port Moresby (Bomana) War Cemetery, Port Moresby PNG. The burial place of VX52850, Lieutenant, Jack Gurney CLEMENTS (1920-1942), 2/14 Battalion, Australian Infantry, 2nd. AIF.
Port Moresby (Bomara) War Cemetery Located   
Grave marker for Charles Henry Lewis HAM (1898-1956).
Grave marker for Charles Henry Lewis HAM (1898-1956).
Rochester Cemetery Located   
Grave marker for Douglas Boyd WALTER (1919-1989) the youngest child of Stephen Sidney WALTER (1876-1951) and his wife Emily Beatrice (m.n. OLIVER, 1877-1954).
Grave marker for Douglas Boyd WALTER (1919-1989) the youngest child of Stephen Sidney WALTER (1876-1951) and his wife Emily Beatrice (m.n. OLIVER, 1877-1954).
Rochester Cemetery Located   
Grave marker for Eileen Myrtle LAMERS-REID (m.n. BENNETT, 1927-2004) wife of James Sylvester LAMERS (1923-1961) and Robert REID (?-?).
Grave marker for Eileen Myrtle LAMERS-REID (m.n. BENNETT, 1927-2004) wife of James Sylvester LAMERS (1923-1961) and Robert REID (?-?).
Wonthaggi Cemetery Located   
Grave marker for Ella Victoria WALTER (1910-2002).
Grave marker for Ella Victoria WALTER (1910-2002).
Templestowe Cemetery Located   

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