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 #   Notes   Linked to 
Plot: CLC-LAWN-05-808-21

Buried under the surname of her second partner Matt SHEEDY. 
HUGGAN Margaret Elizabeth (I34900)
Plot: LAWN.F.19.12

JARVIS Russell Thomas Leslie (I32243)

After a service held at 11:00 am at Trivitt Anglican Church, Main Street, Exeter, Father Bill WARD officiating. 
DUNSFORD Florence M. (I28621)
4 "For service to the community, particularly as a health administrator and as an executive member of a range of educational and regional development organisations, and to local government." WALTER Richard Dennis, AM (I1931)
5 "The Australian Fire Service Medal recognises distinguished service by members of Australian fire services. It is awarded to paid and volunteer members." WALTER Ian Claude, AFSM (I604)
6 "The National Medal recognises long and diligent service by members of recognised government and voluntary organisations that risk their lives or safety to protect or assist the community in enforcement of the law or in times of emergency or natural disaster." WALTER John Hammond (I600)
7 'Grassmere' was the home of the bride's sister, Louisa Emily Ethel LEIGH (m.n. HEARD, 1875-1945). Family F1439
8 'HESB' is the abbreviation used if the VIC BDM Index. SHARP Susan Shaw Thompson (I42042)
9 'Of Mettaford'. Row 13 North, 8.7m WICKETT Florence (I1044)
10 'Of Welsford'. CORY John Wickett (I25261)
11 'Soadgell', Kilkhampton CON BAKER Abraham (I29854)
12 'Treve' owned and operated Rowling Radio in Camborne CON. ROWLING Trevor Stanley (I46306)
13 12687 of 1841, Early Church Records PIPER John Thomas (I3798)
14 1841 Census, HO 107/258 INCH Elizabeth (I2113)
15 1841 Census, HO 107/258 JOHNS Richard (I2114)
16 1841 Census, HO 107/258 WALTER Hugh Oxenham (I3299)
17 1841 Census, HO 107/258 TAYLOR Jane, (m.n TAYLOR) (I3349)
18 1841 Census, HO 107/258 WALTER Richard (I3362)
19 1841 Census, HO 107/258 INCH Elizabeth (I3363)
20 1841 Census, HO 107/258 WALTER Samuel (I3394)
21 1841 Census, HO 107/258 ROWE Mary (I3395)
22 1841 Census, HO 107/258 WALTER John (I3417)
23 1841 Census, HO 107/258 BRIMACOMBE Maria (I3418)
24 1841 Census, HO 107/258 WALTER Maria (I3422)
25 1841 Census, HO 107/258 WALTER Elizabeth Emm (I3427)
26 1841 Census, HO 107/258 VANSTONE James Walter (I3429)
27 1841 Census, HO 107/258 WALTER Lucretia (I3430)
28 1841 Census, HO 107/258 WALTER Joanna (I3433)
29 1841 Census, HO 107/258 WALTER John Brimacombe (I3436)
30 1841 Census, HO 107/258 JOHNS Grace (I4208)
31 1841 Census, HO 107/258 JOHNS Richard (I4210)
32 1841 Census, HO 107/258 JOHNS Ann Walter (I4211)
33 1841 Census, HO 107/258 JOHNS John (I4212)
34 1841 Census, HO 107/258 JOHNS Mary (I4213)
35 1841 Census, HO 107/258 JOHNS Thomas (I4214)
36 1841 Census, HO 107/258 WALTER Richard (I4927)
37 1841 Census, HO 107/258 WALTER John (I4929)
38 1841 Census, HO 107/258 WALTER Thomas (I4931)
39 1841 Census, HO 107/258 WALTER James (I4935)
40 1841 Census, HO 107/258 WALTER Ann (I4936)
41 1841 Census, HO 107/258 WALTER William (I4938)
42 1841 Census, HO 107/258 WALTER Sophia (I9415)
43 1841 Census, HO 107/258 WALTER Athalia (I9416)
44 1841 Census, HO 107/258 WALTER Elizabeth (I11885)
45 1841 Census, HO 107/258 WALTER Mary (I11886)
46 1841 Census, HO 107/258 WALTER Margaret (I11887)
47 1841 Census, HO 107/258 WALTER John (I11888)
48 1841 Census, HO 107/258 WALTER Samuel (I11889)
49 1891 Canadian Census WEBB James Henry (I46094)
50 1891 Census COMINGS William (I36781)
51 1891 Census says born in Walworth, London. SHUTE Alfred (I9542)
52 1935 Extension - Row 4 Lot 14 Plot 2 RUNDLE Etta Elizabeth (I13694)
53 1935 Extension - Row 4 Lot 14 Plot 3 BUTLER Edward John (I13706)
54 1944 HOME RUN 1994

On the night of 20th May 1994, the Home Run Team will be following in the footsteps of an evader who entered Toulouse that same evening fifty years ago. The team will also lay a wreath on the monument of his 'safe house keeper', Françoise Dissard, in the centre of Toulouse. That evader was John Franklin.

On the evening of 5th April 1944, the crew of a Halifax Mk V Bomber, of 644 Squadron, boarded their aircraft at 2230hrs. The Squadron was based at Tarrant Rushton, Dorset, and was employed on Special Duties. The role of the Halifax Mk V was to drop arms, ammunition, explosives and agents to the Maquis and other resistance groups. The crew which boarded were:

Flt Lt Frank W. Cleaver DSO ............ Pilot
Plt Officer Norman Wyatt ............ Navigator
Flt Sgt John Franklin ............ Wireless Operator
Flt Sgt Donald J. Hoddinott ............ Rear Gunner
Sgt Alan Matthews ............ Bomb Aimer
Sgt Raymond Hindle ............ Flt Engineer

The aircraft took off and headed across the Channel to a rendez-vous in south west France. The crew settled in to their long flight, which was destined to drop arms, ammunition and explosives to a Maquis group operating in the region of Charente Maritime. There was a good moon that night, and it was found later that 44 aircraft of the same Group were also on similar missions. The motto of this newly formed squadron was We Sow the Seeds of the Dragon. The squadron had been formed from 298 Squadron.

Although flying at low level to find the Dropping Zone (which made the aircraft very vulnerable to flak), no contact signal was received from the ground on arrival. It was not known if the DZ had been compromised or whether the reception party had not arrived due to enemy activity in the area. Flt. Lt. Cleaver made the decision to leave the area and return home. The return flight path had taken the aircraft near to the German airfield at Cognac. Still low, having been searching for the DZ, the aircraft was caught in a flak barrage from the airfield.

Flt. Lt. Cleaver took violent evading action and the rear gunner, Flt. Sgt. Hoddinott engaged the flak positions with bursts of fire. The starboard wing caught fire, and the aircraft started to lose height. Realising how low the aircraft was, Flt. Lt. Cleaver gave the order to bale out whilst they still had enough height, and stayed at the controls to allow his crew to escape. The height of the aircraft at this time was little more than 1000ft. The aircraft was losing height rapidly. Leaving little time for a parachute descent, Flt. Lt. Cleaver chose to stay with the aircraft, knowing full well however, that he had on board explosives and ammunition which could easily explode in the event of a crash landing. He did not know the ground, and attempted to put the aircraft down in a field in the dark. The ground was covered in mist, with only the tops of the larger trees showing through. The Halifax crash landed in a field and was now well ablaze, acting as a beacon to every German in the area. Flt. Lt. Cleaver hastily left the area. In August 1944, Flt. Lt. Cleaver was awarded the DFC for his actions that night, which undoubtedly saved the lives of his crew. Shortly after crash landing, his aircraft exploded.

John Franklin had now landed without injury, and was hastily trying to bury his parachute when he heard Sgt. Raymond Hindle, who was also trying to hide his parachute. Both men had come down on the outskirts of Châteauneuf-sur-Charente, and were now planning their route home. Both John and Ray obeyed the rules, walking at night and hiding up and sleeping for most of the day. Along the route they met up with one of the many farming people who helped evaders. This farm labourer found clothing for both men, and they swapped these for their uniforms. He also gave them food. The weather at this time in April was still quite cold and they missed the warmth of their battle-dress uniforms. They were also given food on many occasions by farming people along their route. After walking over 100 miles and arriving in the early hours of the morning at a small village called Marsaniex, south of Perigeux, both men, physically exhausted and very hungry, sought help and were directed to the parish priest. The priest also had hidden in his house a couple who were sought by the Gestapo. Through this valuable contact arrangements were made through the maquis to get both men on to the escape lines.

In the early days of the escape lines many evaders knew the names of their 'helpers'. As life became more difficult, and the Lines became more organised and security conscious, names were not known and couriers often only knew the next link in the Escape Line chain. John and Ray had their photographs taken for ID cards, were given a new identity and were taken by a young girl courier by train to Toulouse. Although it was not known at the time, the name of their 'safe house keeper' was Françoise Dissard. Toulouse was now the main collection point for the 'Pat O'Leary' Line in the South of France after its betrayal, with many arrests, in the Marseilles area and surrounding countryside by a double agent known as 'Roger Le Légionnaire', who was also responsible for the arrest of Pat O'Leary. Françoise Dissard, a strong-willed lady who hated the enemy, was now the main 'safe house keeper' and organiser for the 'Pat O'Leary' Line in the South. Due to her efforts the Line stayed open. She often gave abuse to the enemy, who thought her eccentric. She stood no nonsense, trusted no-one. Only her cat Miff went everywhere with her, and he lived to 18 years of age. Often she would be seen escorting agents herself.

John and Ray now spent their first night in a bed since leaving England. The night, however, was sleepless. The RAF had decided to bomb the railway goods yard nearby and both men watched the raid through a skylight. The following day both men were taken by courier through the chaos of the railway station to catch a train south. Due to damage in the station, lorries were now provided to take passengers to the train outside the station. The train now headed south towards the Pyrenees. At a station in the foothills, the courier indicated that they should now leave the train and get on to a coach parked outside the station. Many enemy soldiers were now in the area, especially around the station. The coach was boarded up, the seats had been taken out, and together with many other evaders who had also headed for the coach, John and Ray lay on the floor of the vehicle as it sped away quickly from the station yard.

In the foothills of the Pyrenees the coach stopped and the group, which was quite large now, was handed over to a mountain guide and started on foot towards the Spanish border. The guide stopped for the night at a ski hut high in the mountains. All seemed to be going well until the guide did not return the next morning. The hut was on the French side of the border, and the group still had a long way to go. A decision was made to split up into small groups as it was now thought that without a guide they may have a better chance of survival if they did so. John and Ray now took with them an American airman, John Betolatti. They now headed off in single file at a lower level along the gorge on the eastern side of the Garronne river. The actual border was at the Bridge of Kings. The men next had to negotiate the almost vertical side of the mountain by night with the road and river below them, both areas being patrolled by guards. With daylight approaching, and now in Spain, the small group kept a low profile and made for the town of Viella where they handed themselves over to the Spanish Civil Guard. Almost immediately, their footwear was removed and they were put under guard. The British Consul was now informed.

The British Consul collected the men and took them back to Madrid. From Madrid, John and Ray were now taken by car to Gibraltar, arriving back in England at RAF Whitchurch on 6th June 1944, two months after being shot down. Their freedom they owed to the 'Pat O'Leary' Line.

The story of the crew would not be complete without knowing what became of the individuals mentioned:

Flt Lt R. F. W. Cleaver DSO, DFC
Also returned to England via the 'Pat O'Leary' Line. Decorated by the Dutch. Died in a flying accident in 1953.

Plt Officer N. Wyatt
Evaded capture for a short time. Captured, POW. Released by advancing Russians. Died in 1988.

Flt Sgt J. Franklin
After his successful escape, returned to flying duties until 1951. Now retired, living in St Albans.

Flt Sgt D. J. Hoddinott
Tragically, he suffered injuries on landing. It is thought that he may have been too low for a parachute descent. Although taken to hospital, he died of his injuries and was buried at Cognac.

Sgt A. Matthews
Evaded successfully. Joined the Maquis and fought with them until the end of the war. Now retired, living in Southampton.

Sgt R. Hindle
After his successful escape, returned to flying duties. Died in 1970.

Source: http://www.christopherlong.co.uk/pub/rafes.html 
Squadron Leader CLEAVER Richard Frank Wharton, DSO, DFC, MWO.4 (I1070)
55 1948
Marriage Status: Divorced 
Family F5071
56 1984 Queen's Birthday Honours List. For service to the community. PADGETT Fanny Marjorie Alice (I15915)
57 1995 - attends Kempville Agricultural College MACKENZIE Leslie Anne (I5327)
58 1995 - works in a Bay store in Kitchener MACKENZIE Claire Ruth (I5326)
59 1998 - maybe Realtors in Toronto?
Live near Orangeville 
DEFOREST John Ross (I5481)
60 1st Aus. Div. Sig. Coy., 1st Australian Division, 1st. ANZAC Corps, 5th October 1917

".... For conspicuos gallantry and devotion to duty. He established and maintained a "Receiving" lamp Station in a very exposed position under hostile shell fire for a period of 48 hours - this being the only means of communication with [the] Forward Observing Officer."

Recomended by: P. Manley[?], O.C. Signals, 1st Divisional Artillery and David R. Moore Lt-Col., C.O. "A" Group. 5th Aus. Div. Art.

Confirmed by Brig-Gen. A.J. Bessell-Browne, CRA, 5th. Australian Division.
[CRA = Commander Royal Artillery = senior divisional artillery officer]. 
TREADWELL James John, MM (I4500)
61 20 Oct 1917, sustained wound to the hand and returned to duty.
24 Apr 1918, France; badly wounded by shrapnel to the throat and shoulder. Evacuated to England for treatment. 
PEARSE Edmund Palmer (I42535)
62 210 Gibbs Street  
63 224 Squadron were flying Liberator V aircraft at the time of this accident and the aircraft number was BZ776. Remembered on the Runnymede Air Forces Memorial, Englefield Green SRY. Lest We Forget. PENHALE Martin Harvey (I28686)
64 2nd Ave Feat. Standard Comp. Roses TREWIN Charles Ernest Lawrence (I15806)
65 2nd Ave Feat. Standard Comp. Roses GILCHRIST Hannah Theresa Anne (I15913)
66 2nd. marriage surname = SHARPE HOWLETT Ida Eveleyn (I32079)
67 3rd Ave Rose Garden Companion Roses, Garden Bed G, Position 54
ROBERTS Alfred Henry (I24910)
68 3rd Ave Rose Garden Companion Roses, Garden Bed G, Position 54 EASTAWAY Isabella Ann (I24909)
69 4th Ave Wall Niches (North Side) FOWLER Lilian Jane (I4619)
70 4th Ave Wall Niches (South Side) CHING Ellis Charles (I219)
71 4th Ave Wall Niches (South Side) LANCASTER Constance Winifred (I4924)
72 52W o23/ Block 1, Lot 66, Grave 6 LUKES Thomas Burton (I27685)
73 7 pounds and 19" long. RIGG Halle Marie (I6838)
74 70 Nassau Street  
75 ? marriage date Family F2426
76 A beautiful headstone crafted by the master stonemason Mark WESTAWAY marks her burial place in the Bradworthy DEV churchyard. WALTER Tryphena (I2761)
77 A blind person who went to live in St. Catherines ONT. BRAGG Alice Leona Lillian (I5829)
78 A celebration of the life of Thomas Rodger DANIEL was held in this venue. DANIEL Thomas Rodger (I18628)
79 A F Alway Lawn, Row S, Grave 31 RIBE Elizabeth Esther (I1464)
80 A F Alway Lawn, Row V, Grave 40 TREADWELL Mae (I4502)

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