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Headstone of William Thomas HOCKRIDGE (1901-1932) and his wife Edith Margaret (m.n. BRIMACOMBE, 1898-1981).
Status: Located
Hartland Methodist Cemetery, Hartland, DEV, ENG
Cemetery Photos
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Description |
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Headstone of Andrew CORY (1886-1977) and his wife Florence (Florrie, m.n. Wickett, c. 1886-1929). |
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Headstone of Andrew WALTER (1932-2001). |
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Headstone of Bessie CORY (1909-1996). |
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Headstone of Charles Albert William COTTLE (1876-1954) and his wife Janie Cottle (m.n. WICKETT, 1877-1942). |
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Headstone of Charles Walter WICKETT (1873-1925) and his wife Elizabeth Susan (m.n. DAYMAN, 1871-1958). |
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Headstone of Edward Ellis HEARD (1900-1993) and his wife Florence Olive (m.n. WICKETT, 1900-1985). |
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Headstone of Fred WALTER (1898-1984) and his wife Gertie (m.n. GOAMAN, 1906-1991). |
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Headstone of Frederick BAILEY (c. 1885-1935) and his wife Norah Grace (m.n. BAILEY, 1994-1930). |
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Headstone of George BRIMACOMBE (c. 1873-1935) and his wife Sarah Jane (m.n. PROUSE, 1870-1948) |
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Headstone of Hugh Oxenham WALTER (1887-1969) and his wife Gertrude Littlejohns (m.n. PROUSE, 1898-1998). |
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Headstone of James Henry PILLMAN (?-1950) and his wife Annie Mary (m.n. PILLMAN, 1879-1946). |
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Headstone of John BAILEY (1851-1934) and his wife Mahala (m.n. JENKINS, c. 1860-1904). |
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Headstone of John CORY (1853-1921) and his wife Lavinia Emma (m.n. HOPPER, c. 1857-1928). |
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Headstone of John PILLMAN (1899-1946) and his wife Bessie Wickett BEER (m.n. MOORE,1900-1981). Bessie re-married Arthur BEER (1896-1959) following the death of John PILLMAN. |
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Headstone of John SLEE (c. 1873-1959) and his wife Lucy Margaret (m.n. CLEAVE, c. 1873-1954). |
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Headstone of John Thomas HOCKRIDGE (1878-1948) and his wife Eva (m.n. STONE, c. 1882-1938). |
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Headstone of John WALTER (1857-1933) and his wife Grace (m.n. HEARD, 1858-1927). |
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Headstone of John WICKETT (1838-1921) and his wife Mary Ann (m.n. WALTER, 1842-1923). |
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Headstone of John Wickett CORY (1916-1982) and his wife Bertha (m.n. COLWILL, 1916-1987). |
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Headstone of Lewis WALTER (1896-1979) and his wife Winifred Eliza (m.n. HEARD, 1901-1988). |
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Headstone of Lewis William WICKETT (1870-1929) and his wife Emala (m.n. PILLMAN, c. 1868-1957) |
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Headstone of No. 837028, Sergeant George Lawrence COTTLE, The Royal North Devon Yeomanry Field Regiment, Royal Artillery, British Army) |
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Headstone of Richard Cyril PRUST (1890-1974) and his wife Edith Eliza (m.n. RICHARDS, 1889-1969). |
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Headstone of Selena Hobbs CORY (m.n. HEARD, c. 1858-1915) and her daughter Emma Jane CORY (c. 1894-1915). |
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Headstone of Thomas Norman SLEE (1907-1982 and his wife Leafy (m.n. PROUSE, 1902-1992). |
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Headstone of Walter WICKETT (c. 1892-1947) and his wife Hettie Elenor (Ella, m.n. WALTER, 1886-1967). |
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Headstone of William ELLIOT (c. 1844-1929) and his wife Jane (m.n. CORY, 1842-1932). |
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Headstone of William Thomas HOCKRIDGE (1901-1932) and his wife Edith Margaret (m.n. BRIMACOMBE, 1898-1981). |
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