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Headstone of Blake Oliver DeHART (1899-1961) and his wife Maude Helena (m.n. NANCEKIVELL, 1899-1975).
Status: Located
Groveside Municipal Cemetery, Whitby, ONT, CAN
Cemetery Photos
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Headstone of Blake Oliver DeHART (1899-1961) and his wife Maude Helena (m.n. NANCEKIVELL, 1899-1975). |
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Headstone of Earle Christopher BATTY (1893-1960) and his wife Mary Ewen (m.n. DUFF, 1893-1980). |
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Headstone of Florence Mildred BATTY (1905-1908). |
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Headstone of Grace BUCKLER (m.n. BOUNDY, 1809-1857). |
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Headstone of John Franklin BATTY (1915-1995) and his wife Olga Edith (m.n. LAKEY, 1915-2008). |
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Headstone of Marvin E. NANCEKIVELL (1933-2014). |
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Headstone of Morley Edwin NANCEKIVELL (1895-1963); his wife Blanche May (m.n. WHITE, 1895-1950) and their son Gordon NANCEKIVELL (1927-1943). |
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Headstone of Richard MOORE (1839-1926); his wife Margaret Ann (m.n. RUTLEDGE, 1847-1912) and their daughters Eva C. MOORE (1870-1959) and Edna M. SMITH (m.n. MOORE, 1875-1962). |
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Headstone of Samuel Edwin NANCEKIVELL (1865-1949) and his wife Fanny Jane (m.n. BOND, 1869-1953). |
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Headstone of William Crawforth SONLEY (1901-1930) and his wife Ruby Elizabeth Susan Jane (m.n. NANCEKIVELL, 1897-1992). |
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Headstone of William Franklin (Frank) BATTY (1878-1969); his wife Charlotte Esther (Lottie) (m.n. COAKWELL, 1881-1950) and their daughters Florence Mildred BATTY (1905-1908) and J. Doris BATTY (1911-1999). |
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