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Description |
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Headstone of Ada DRAYTON (m.n. PARISH, 1890-1966). |
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Headstone of Albert Ernest HUNTER (1882-1926) and his wife Mary Ann (m.n. TRIGG, Abt. 1881-1858). |
3 |  |
Headstone of Alfred James ERWIN (1909-1974) and his wife Grace Ellen (m.n. POTTER, 1908-1990). |
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Headstone of Alice STRICKLAND (m.n. LEAKE, 1858-1896) the first wife of Thomas STRICKLAND (1864-1930). |
5 |  |
Headstone of Alma Gladys SCHROETER (m.n. PARISH, 1911-1991). |
6 |  |
Headstone of Archibald John HUNTER (1902-1967) and his third wife Sadie Rebecca (m.n. MUSTARD, Abt. 1911-1981). |
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Headstone of Archie DRAYTON (1926-2014); his wife Betty Victoria (m.n. FOUND, 1928-2004) and their son Gregory Ivan DRAYTON (1965-1984). |
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Headstone of Arthur Henry PARISH (1912-1989). |
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Headstone of Arthur Herbert DRAYTON (1908-1987) and his wife Coral Gladys (m.n. PARISH, 1912-1986). |
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Headstone of Arthur James McCONACHY (1898-1984) and his wife Dorothy Victoria (m.n. PARISH, 1908-1994). |
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Headstone of Arthur MAWSON (1875-1954) and his wife Ruperta May (Ruby) (m.n. HOLLOWAY, 1889-1948). |
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Headstone of Bernice Elizabeth ORCHARD (m.n. SEACH, 1899-1982). |
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Headstone of Betty Amelia DAVIS (m.n. PARISH, 1928-1993). |
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Headstone of Brian Ewan (Shrimpy) SCHROETER (1951-2001). |
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Headstone of Cecil ALSOP (1907-1991) and his wife Alice May (m.n. TRIGG, 1932-2017). |
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Headstone of Charles Henry William STRICKLAND (1895-1902) and his siblings Ursula Marian STRICKLAND (1900-1905), Albert Edward STRICKLAND (1902-1915) and Felix John Colin STRICKLAND (1909-1924). |
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Headstone of Charles LEIGH (1876-1932). |
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Headstone of Charles Ronald GLADMAN (1920-1980) and his wife Joyce Elizabeth (m.n. HUNTER, 1923-2013). |
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Headstone of Charles Tilley TRIGG (1885-1961) and his wife Edith (m.n. PARISH, 1888-1965). |
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Headstone of Charles William PARISH (1886-1977) and his wife Flora Ann (m.n. MOUSLEY, 1885-1947). |
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Headstone of Clarence Walter RAYNER (1918-1974). |
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Headstone of Claude Nicholson WALKER (1910-1976), his second wife Very May (m.n. MARSHALL, 1906-1981) and Stanley Claude WALKER (?-1938) the son of Claude Nicholson WALKER (1910-1976) and his first wife Enid Catherine (m.n. ERWIN, 1911-1987). |
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Headstone of Colin Alexander ALSOP (1914-1997). |
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Headstone of Colin Alwyn TRIGG (1916-2002). |
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Headstone of Daisy Louisa Parish (1914-1992). |
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Headstone of Donald Allan PARISH (1931-1998). |
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Headstone of Donald Claude RICHMOND (1924-2011). |
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Headstone of Dorothy Lillian ALSOP (m.n. MAWSON, 1908-1952). |
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Headstone of Edgar William James HOLLOWAY (1896-1951). |
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Headstone of Edith Christina RAYNER (m.n. PARISH, 1926-1954). |
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Headstone of Edmund James LEAK (1894-1980) and his wife Victoria Mary (m.n. PARISH, 1904-1985). |
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Headstone of Edmund SEACH (1858-1952); his second wife Jessie Ann (m.n. ERWIN, 1870-1954) and their son Leslie John SEACH (1901-1942) who died while a prisoner of war. |
33 |  |
Headstone of Elizabeth Jane STRICKLAND (m.n. TILLEY, 1868-1940). |
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Headstone of Enid Catherine WALKER (m.n. ERWIN, 1911-1987) the first wife of Claude Nicholson WALKER (1910-1976). |
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Headstone of Ernest Harold HOLLOWAY (1901-1970) and his wife Ethel Theresa (m.n. LOWNDES, 1903-1984). |
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Headstone of Ewen CAMERON (1895-1939). |
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Headstone of Geoffrey William LEIGH (1948-1994). |
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Headstone of George Alexander PARISH (1913-1971) and his older sister Mabel Rachel MINGAYE (m.n. PARISH, 1903-1972). |
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Headstone of George Sydney ORCHARD (1890-1981). |
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Headstone of George Thomas HUNTER (1884-1929). |
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Headstone of Gilbert James MONKIVITCH (1928-1996) and his wife Gwendoline Lola (m.n. HUNTER, 1933-2007). |
42 |  |
Headstone of Gordon Ernest HOLLOWAY (1913-1973) and his wife Eunice Elizabeth (m.n. ?, Abt. 1916-1999). |
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Headstone of Heinrich Karl SCHROETER (1919-1987). |
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Headstone of Helen Patricia SCHROETER (b. & d. 1940) and her younger brother Robert SCHROETER (b. & d. 1951). |
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Headstone of Henry PARISH (1884-1955) and his wife May Evelyn (m.n. WHITE, Abt. 1887-1954). |
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Headstone of Herbert Edward ERWIN (1886-1963) and his wife Alfreda Mary Elizabeth (m.n. BLAKE, 1888-1968). |
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Headstone of Hilda may HUNTER (m.n. HOLLOWAY, 1899-1946). |
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Headstone of Ian Lindsay Thomas (Darky) LLOYD (1937-2000). |
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Headstone of Ida May GALE (m.n. PARISH, 1900-1970) firstly the wife of Ewen CAMERON (1895-1939) and secondly the wife of Unknown GALE. |
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Headstone of Ivan DRAYTON (1934-1953). |
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Headstone of Jack Edward LEIGH (1914-1981). |
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Headstone of Jacob Samuel ALSOP (1874-1947); his wife Sylvia Ann (m.n. PARISH, 1875-1957) and their daughter Bertha ALSOP (1901-1901). |
53 |  |
Headstone of Jacob Samuel ALSOP (1874-1947); his wife Sylvia Ann (m.n. PARISH, 1875-1957) and their eldest daughter Bertha (1901-1901). |
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Headstone of James Allan McDONALD (1917-1987). |
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Headstone of James ARMISTEAD (1873-1947) and his wife Elsie May (m.n. PARISH, 1882-1969). |
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Headstone of James Frederick STEVENS (1910-1983) and his wife Edith Victoria Ethel (m.n. ARMISTEAD, 1914-1995). |
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Headstone of James Henry EDWARDS (1887-1963) and his wife Daisy (m.n. PARISH, 1892-1976). |
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Headstone of James HUNTER (1808-1896) and one of his daughters Ellen (Abt. 1849-1863). |
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Headstone of James HUNTER (1865-1917) and his wife Elizabeth Augusta (m.n. HAGER, 1869-1924). |
60 |  |
Headstone of James HUNTER (1922-1999). |
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Headstone of James PARISH (1873-1938) and his wife Mary Jane (m.n. FARQUHANSON, 1879-1944). |
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Headstone of James Thomas ERWIN (1879-1966) and his wife Catherine (m.n. HUNTER, 1878-1951). |
63 |  |
Headstone of John HOLLOWAY (Abt. 1857-1939) and his wife Martha (m.n. HUNTER, 1862-1916). |
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Headstone of John O'Hara ERWIN (1913-1973). |
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Headstone of Joseph PARISH (1844-1928); his wife Rachel (m.n. HUNTER, 1855-1937) and two of their children Nathan (1880-1882) and Myrtle Stella (1895-1905). |
66 |  |
Headstone of Joseph PARISH (1872-1934); his wife Alice (m.n. ARMISTEAD, 1878-1945) and their son Thomas William PARISH (1910-1926). |
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Headstone of Joyce Irene DRAYTON (m.n. PARISH, 1927-1968). |
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Headstone of Leslie Alexander DRAYTON (1913-1956). |
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Headstone of Leslie Russell BATSON (1906-1973) and his wife Eva Grace (m.n. PARISH, 1909-1994). |
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Headstone of Lindsay Allan SCHROETER (1933-2014). |
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Headstone of Margaret Grace LEIGH (m.n. McDONALD, 1915-2012). |
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Headstone of Martha Isabella (Mattie) RICHMOND (formerly SCHROETER, m.n. MAWSON, 1916-2002). |
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Headstone of Mary Helen LEIGH (m.n. CALDOW, 1878-1954). |
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Headstone of Maxwell Mitchell LEIGH (1918-1978). |
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Headstone of Noel Jack RICHMOND (1912-1980). |
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Headstone of Oscar DRAYTON (1915-1992). |
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Headstone of Perry Stuart SCHROETER (1964-1990). |
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Headstone of Phyllis Forrest LEIGH (m.n. USHER, 1920-2010). |
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Headstone of Reginald John Fredrick ALSOP (1910-1965) and his wife Greta Evelyn (m.n. TRIGG, 1912-1967). |
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Headstone of Reginald John HOLLOWAY (1888-1962) and his wife Clara May (m.n. MARSHMAN, 1892-1965). |
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Headstone of Rita Josephine Sarah McDONALD (m.n. PARISH, 1915-1993). |
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Headstone of Robert Henry ALSOP (1887-1951) and his wife Daisy Pearl (m.n. HOLLOWAY, 1891-1941). |
83 |  |
Headstone of Roy Vivian Leslie HUNTER (1895-1936). |
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Headstone of Sabra HOLLOWAY (1883-1943). |
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Headstone of Samuel Edmond ORCHARD (1922-1989). |
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Headstone of Shirley Marion BATSON (m.n. WARNER, 1936-1988). |
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Headstone of Sydney Allen PARISH (1901-1980). |
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Headstone of Sydney DRAYTON (1903-1966) and his wife Myra (m.n. ALSOP, 1904-1984). |
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Headstone of Thelma Ethel PARISH (m.n. NEWITT, Abt. 1912-1991). |
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Headstone of Thelma Rachel Louise DRAYTON (1909-1975). |
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Headstone of Thomas Clemo McCONACHY (1921-2002). |
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Headstone of Thomas ERWIN (Abt. 1839-1918) and his wife Elizabeth (m.n. HUNTER, Abt. 1846-1922). |
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Headstone of Thomas HUNTER (1845-1923) and his wife Catherine (m.n. LOUGHRON, Abt. 1851-1934). |
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Headstone of Timon Theodore (Paddy) SCHROETER (1905-1985). |
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Headstone of Una Florence RICHMOND (m.n. PARISH, 1913-1998). |
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Headstone of Victor Charles TRIGG (1927-1999). |
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Headstone of Violet May PARISH (m.n. MAWSON, 1907-1979). |
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Headstone of Wilfred Arthur MAWSON (1912-1965) and his wife Mary Winifred (m.n. McMURRICH, 1906-1979). |
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Headstone of William ALSOP (1898-1971). |
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Headstone of William Baden Powell PARISH (1901-1981) and his wife Ruth (m.n. DRAYTON, 1899-1974). |
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Headstone of William Charles BATSON (1904-1992) and his wife Lorna Adeline (m.n. ERWIN, 1915-1978). |
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Headstone of William DRAYTON (1874-1918) and his eldest son Edward Thomas DRAYTON (1911-1927). |
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Headstone of William Henry Leslie HANNAM (1893-1976) and his wife Jessie Florence (m.n. SEACH, 1905-1996). |
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Headstone of William Keith LEIGH (1910-1958) and his wife Margaret Mary (m.n. MEATS, 1912-2003). |